My wife and I were living in Jersey City, NJ, on September 11, 2001. For those who aren't familiar with the geography, Jersey City is directly across the Hudson River from the southern tip of Manhattan. We had an apartment from which you could see the twin towers.
I was already at work that morning, and my wife hadn't yet left our apartment, when the planes hit. I was sitting at my desk in the midtown Manhattan office I worked in when my boss came by saying that his wife had just told him that a plane had flown into one of the towers. He was on his way to the window in the lobby to look. I assumed it was a small private plane and that there wasn't much to see, so I didn't bother to follow him. I only went to look after he came back and told me what he saw.

I don't remember much of the rest of the morning aside from being frustrated that we couldn't get any news on the Web and being in shock. I remember trying to call my wife, but all the lines out of the city were busy. I finally thought to send email to a friend in California who then called my wife to say I was okay.
I do remember going to the window at one point and thinking, "Gee, that's a lot of smoke. I can't even see one of the towers."
My wife started to go to work but thought better of it before getting too far. She walked back to our apartment and grabbed the camera to take pictures.
For reference, this is what we used to see from a small park right on the river:

This picture was taken just as the first tower fell:

This is a picture of the remaining tower while it was still standing:

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