I'm a consultant, currently sitting long-term at a financial services company in New York. Just before going to lunch yesterday, I learned that one of the employees there, someone I'd already grown to like for other reasons, was also from the South. (He's from Louisiana, I'm from Tennessee. He grew up 5-600 miles away from me, but both locations are still the South.)
Over lunch, the topic of hunting (or, more accurarely, eating) squirrel came up. I've never actually done either, but I could at least discuss the subject. After we'd made a few gun-centric comments, one of my northeastern colleagues turned to the other and said, "Don't you feel superior not knowing any of this?"
Applying Huffman's meme, we get this:
"Don't you feel superior not being a nigger?"
Fairly offensive, I'd say. My friend could probably do with some gentle education.
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